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Whisky books

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    Whisky& Magasinet August 2023 - Denmark's whisky and rum magazine
    Item no.: 222278555-aug2023
    New issue on August 24th

    Theme: American Whiskey

    Happy reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rum magazine
    • 12,00
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    Whisky& Magasinet November 2022 - Danmarks whisky og rom magasin
    Item no.: 222278555-april2023
    New issue out now

    Theme: Speyside
    Glen Moray - Mortlach - Glenfarclas - Benromach

    Visit to Kyrö

    Single Cask Rum

    Focus on tequila

    We test

    55 Speyside whiskies

    17 Single cask rum

    20 gin for spring

    Plateau Spirits - Sugar beet vs sugar cane - Sour millionaire - Column - Facts

    Enjoy reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rom magasinet
    • 10,50
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    Whisky& Magasinet November 2023 - Danmarks whisky & rom magasin
    Item no.: 222278555-nov2023
    New Magazine of Whisky& out now!

    Theme: The Highland Loch Lomond – Glenglassaugh
    Focus on: Cognac, The Global Rum & Christmas gin
    We test: 54 whisky from the Scottish Highland, 18 rums outside of Caribia, 20 Christmas Gin + Diageo Special Releases 2023 Angostura – Brugal – Malmø’s new ginhope – Reinheart whisky – Articles – We Test –

    Enjoy Reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rom Magasinet.
    • 12,00
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    Whisky& The magazine April 2024 - Denmark's whisky and rum magazine
    Item no.: 222278555-april2024
    New issue in danish

    Theme: Blending

    Happy reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rum magazine
    • 12,00
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    Whisky& The magazine April 2024 - Denmark's whisky and rum magazine
    Item no.: 222278555-juni2024
    New issue in danish

    Theme: Blending

    Happy reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rum magazine
    • 12,00
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    Whisky& The magazine February 2024 - Denmark's whisky and rum magazine
    Item no.: 222278555-Feb2024
    New issue on February 8th

    Theme: Whisky Casks

    Happy reading!
    Thomas Rydberg

    Formerly known as Whisky & Rum magazine
    • 12,00
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    Whisky&Rom Magasinet November 2020 - Danmarks whisky og rom magasin
    Item no.: 2228554444479-2254
    New issue out now. Theme: Speyside - Tamdhu - Glenfiddich - Mortlach - Big test of Speyside whisky - Japan vs Scotland - Yoichi - Kasauli - Marashino - Big rum supplement - Big beer supplement - Facts page and lots of tests Enjoy reading! Thomas Rydberg
    • 10,50
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    Whisky&Rom Magasinet November 2020 - Danmarks whisky og rom magasin
    Item no.: 2228554444369-9963
    New issue out now. Lots of American whiskey, cognac, gin, beer and much more - Facts page and lots of tests Enjoy reading! Thomas Rydberg
    • 10,50
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    Bacon – Øjeblikke af lykke af Allan Ømand Ungstrup Baconbogen
    Item no.: 899999-2019-Baconbogen
    Baconbogen: Bacon - Øjeblikke af lykke by Allan Ømand Ungstrup Danish-produced bacon guide / Bacon reference work, the book is written in Danish by bacon enthusiast Allan Ømand, who we ( have had the pleasure of speaking with several times in connection with the section on whisky in his book.

    His vast bacon knowledge is reflected in this book. If you need a reference book and want to know more about bacon, this is the book for you. You'll learn what the perfect bacon should taste like, how to make the perfect bacon if you want to, and 65 unique and delicious bacon recipes. Of course, there's also a chapter on different bacon varieties - from bacon with Sechuan pepper to bacon with dehydrated orange - and a whole chapter dedicated to passionate micro-producers of welfare pigs. With a focus on bacon, of course! Finally, you can read about pairing different types of bacon with selected whiskies and beers.
    • 40,00
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    Bourbon - The Book of American Whiskey - by Henrik Brandt
    Item no.: 899999-Bourbonbog
    The book: Bourbon - The Book of American Whiskey by Henrik Brandt Gads Forlag ISBN 9788712059264 Bourbon - The Book of American Whiskey tells the unique story of a drink that is back in vogue, and as the famous and not least legendary TV host Johnny Carson put it: "Happiness is having a rare steak, a bottle of whiskey, and a dog to eat the rare steak."
    • 20,00
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    by Christian Wendelboe
    Item no.: 22227865387-7200
    Author: Christian Wendelboe Hardback coffee table book (248 pages) This book is the most comprehensive and detailed book on gin to date, with a specific focus on Denmark. The book is stunningly beautiful and can both serve as a reference work and be read from start to finish. A must have for the Danish gin geek! Learn more about: Danish gins The history of gin Danish tonics Garnish for gin/tonic Make your own syrups How to shake a cocktail About the author Christian Wendelboe graduated as a bartender at EBS in London in 2013 and is currently employed as gin manager at one of Denmark's largest gin bars, Bar PLATA in Aarhus. "With this book, I hope to add an inch more to the knowledge of well-versed gin connoisseurs and surprise them with new, detailed, nerdy and passionate knowledge about what, right now, is one of my cogs in the engine of life: gin. Especially Danish gin." says Christian Wendelboe.
    • 43,50
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    Food with alcohol content cookbook by Jan Ohrt - The book is in danish
    • 40,00
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    Gin by Jesper Schmidt - Gin book with recipes on gin tonic and cocktails
    Item no.: 899999-2019-jesper
    Hardcover The book: Gin - Recipes for Gin, Tonic & Cocktails by Jesper Schmidt Forlaget L & R ISBN 9788711917206 - The book measures W 19.5 cm x H 25 cm x D 2.1 cm Danish-produced gin guide / gin reference work, the book is written in Danish by gin enthusiast Jesper Scmidt. His vast gin knowledge is reflected in this book. If you need a reference book and want to know more about the gin world, then this is the book for you. You'll get lots of suggestions on how to make your own gin by adding different ingredients (botanicals) to bring out new flavors in your drinks. Gin consists of a base alcohol and juniper berries, so you can easily add berries, fruit, spices, herbs and vegetables.

    There are also easy tonic recipes here. It is made from a basic syrup that is diluted with sparkling water, and like gin, it can be flavored with different ingredients.

    The book also includes suggestions for matching both homemade gin and tonics and well-known brands - and not least recipes for the most delicious cocktails with gin. Jesper Schmidt originally trained as a chef in Italy and uses his gastronomic experience to develop new drinks and cocktails.
    • 40,00
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    Gin History, Recipes, Gin Catalogue - Gin Book by Iben Diamant 2019
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-197172
    Gin History, Recipes, Ginkartotek - Gin Book by Iben Diamant 2019 Gin History, Recipes, Ginkartotek is Iben's second book and definitely different from her first Gin, Tonic & Accessories. Iben has chosen this book to be much more comprehensive and larger.
    The book offers many amazing things, including a timeline of history's most iconic gin cocktails and a gin library, with more than 100 different gins, conveying facts about the many different gins and stories about the personalities behind the fascinating juniper elixir. - The Gin Book: Gin History, Recipes, Gin Library - Author: Iben Diamant - Publisher: Rosinante - ISBN 9788763851404 - 18x26 cm
    • 40,00
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    Gin, Tonic og Tilbehør, Masser af nye opskrifter - ginbog af Iben Diamant
    Item no.: 899999-2019-Iben2
    Gin Bogen: Gin, Tonic og Tilbehør - Masser af nye opskrifter af Iben Diamant Forlaget Rosinante ISBN 9788763856898 11x15 cm The sequel to Gin, Tonic og Tilbehør. A Danish-produced gin guide / gin reference work, the book is written in Danish by gin enthusiast Iben Diamant. Her vast gin knowledge is expressed in this book. If you need a reference book and want to know more about the gin world, this is the book for you.
    • 9,25
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    Irish Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey Book by Peter Kjær
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-19659
    Irsk Whiskey Whiskeybog by Peter Kjær Irsk whiskey is the first Danish book about the golden Irish drops. Over the past 15 years, Irish whiskey has undergone a rapid development. A few years ago, there were only three distilleries in Ireland. At the time of writing, that number has increased almost tenfold, with many more on the drawing board.

    This new book by Peter Kjær takes the reader through the history and production of Irish whiskey. But also the most important distilleries and developments on the green island. Peter Kjær is one of Denmark's leading whiskey experts. He has worked for Irish Distillers for six years and has an in-depth knowledge of Irish whiskey. He is also a regular writer for Whisky & Rom.

    This book can be read by those who already know a lot about whiskey, but also by the novice who wants to know a little more about what Irish whiskey is. Set at 200 kroner at bookstores.

    - The book: Irish whiskey - Written by: Peter Kjær - Publisher Turbine - Width: 17.7Cm - Height: 24.5Cm - Binding: Hardback
    • 24,00
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    World-class Japanese Whisky and other Asian single malt Whiskybog by Daniel Bruce
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-197172-01
    The book Japanese Whisky and Other World Class Asian Single Malt offers many amazing things such as a journey to some of the most famous distilleries in Japan, India and Taiwan. Even the smaller distilleries are visited, from the newly opened Mars Tsunuki to the small and unique Chichibu. In addition, the book also includes the history of how single malt is produced, where to buy Asian whisky and recipes for Asian whisky cocktails that you can make at home.

    The book: Japanese Whisky and other world-class Asian single malts Author: Daniel Bruce Publisher: Muusmann Pages: 177
    • 33,50
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    Malt Whisky Yearbook 2024 - by Ingvar Ronde
    Item no.: 22227865387-2024
    Malt Whisky Yearbook 2024 by Ingvar Ronde
    The book is written in English by Ingvar Ronde and a host of whisky experts including: Charles MacLean, Joel Harrison, Ian Wisniewski, Neil Ridley, Gavin D Smith, Jonny McCormick.

    Malt Whisky Yearbook 2024 tells all about the different distilleries around the world, spiced with lots of pictures. In addition, a detailed review of brand new and planned distilleries, as well as distilleries from countries we don't normally associate with whisky. In short, the Malt Whisky Yearbook 2024 is a fantastic reference book that tells you everything you need to know about the world's malt whisky - and more!
    • 21,25
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    Scotch whisky - without color, without filter by Peter Kjær and Lars Gregersen
    Item no.: 22227865387-501
    Whiskybog: Scotch whisky - without color, without filterThe book is written in Danish by Peter Kjær and Lars Gregersen. The reader's review has just arrived: "Among the many whisky books, this one stands out for its Danish origin, quality and thoroughness. In addition, the book's primary focus is on the circumstances of production, distribution and enjoyment rather than being a guide to the individual whiskies. The book is very well written and inviting. In addition, it covers its subject very well, explaining the many facets of the subject in a comprehensive and generally understandable way. The many interviews are also well integrated into the overall picture." Authors: Peter Kjær and Lars Gregersen Photographer: Søren Rasch JensenAnother whiskybog - why? With this new book, we would like to give you a nuanced picture of the world of Scotch whisky in 2016. We want to address both those who are new to Scotch whisky enjoyment and hopefully also those who already have a good knowledge. Behind the picturesque facades of the distilleries, there is a lot going on that the ordinary consumer does not necessarily know. The full truth may never be revealed, but over the years we have come across quite a few exciting stories that we would like to share with you. We will also feature portraits and interviews with some of the industry's personalities who have contributed to many a good dram over the years and who are not afraid to speak their mind. Cheers, Lars, Søren and Peter
    • 40,00
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    Single Malt Scotch Whisky Whiskybog - by Steen Lykke Laursen
    Item no.: 899999-2019-steenlykke
    The book: Single Malt Scotch Whisky by Steen Lykke Laursen Forlaget Rosinante ISBN 9788763855013 11x15 cm Danish-produced whisky guide / whisky reference work, the book is written in Danish by whisky enthusiast Steen Lykke Laursen, with whom we ( have had the pleasure of traveling to Scotland several times. His vast whisky knowledge is reflected in this book. When we visit distilleries, we make diligent notes in the pocket book so that all the facts are in place. If you need a reference book and want to know more about the world of whisky, this is the book for you.
    • 9,25
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    Whisky - the final release - Whiskybook by Ulf Buxrud
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-197279925
    Whisky - the final release by Ulf Buxrud tells the story of the magnificent and iconic playing card series from the Hanyu and Chichibu whisky distilleries in Japan, distilled by the Akuto family and bottled by Ichiro Akuto-san. The 170-page book is divided into chapters, each telling a unique story about these whisky bottlings.

    The book: Whisky - the final release Author: Ulf Buxrud Publisher: Whiskyfacts Size: 29x29 cm Pages: 170
    • 44,00
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    Whiskygame - Engelsk udgave. Spil med 400 spørgsmål om whisky / whiskey
    Item no.: 22227865555-225
    Maltfriends Journey is a board game about becoming the greatest whisky baron in 19th century Scotland. Travel by steam car, train and ship via historically accurate routes to start distilleries in all regions.

    Play Maltfriends Journey with your whisky friends - and maybe a bottle of good Scotch whisky?

    It's not a drinking game.

    The game contains rules and components in both English and German.
    • 53,50
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    Book - Danish Whisky by Per Gren - Peder Lund - Byens Forlag
    Item no.: 899999-Dansk-Whisky-Per Gregersen
    About the book: They visit most of the Danish distilleries and get the fun, quirky stories - all delivered in a nice coffee book format. (Subject to changes in text and design of the book) Behind the book are: Thomas Skovmand from Byens Forlag, Peder Lund and Per Gren from Gren&Lund and Per Gregersen from pgkommunikation. Do you have a taste for good whisky - and good stories? The book "Dansk Whisky" - is about the Danish whisky producers, who are currently experiencing strong growth and a strong tailwind. Yes, gin is all the rage right now, but that doesn't change the fact that whisky is and will remain the king of spirits, simply because it takes a minimum of three years to make and requires a lot of care and love in the process. Danish whisky producers understand this. Hopefully, the readers of the book understand it too... The project is in full swing and we visit the wonderful, funny and quirky existences that work hard to cask age the liquid joy of life that good whisky can be. Not to create a taste guide to Danish whisky, but to tell the stories of the people behind this small but powerful Danish entrepreneurial adventure. Hopefully, the book will inspire you to visit the many enthusiasts around the country. They have both good stories and good whisky to offer. The book is designed and conceptualized at Gren&Lund, the stories are written by journalist Per Gregersen and published by Byens Forlag. So if you usually only wish for black socks and well-behaved children for Christmas, you might want to reserve a place under the tree now. Just a thought. See excerpts from the book by clicking "Download" below:
    • 40,00
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    Maybe its because Im almost a Londoner - Book by Torben Mathews
    Item no.: 22233-5569

    Maybe It's Because I'm Almost a Londoner - by Torben Mathews - A Guide to London Pubs (in danish)

    Maybe It's Because I'm Almost a Londoner!
    Join beer expert and renowned author Torben Mathews on a fascinating journey through London's vibrant pub culture. Explore hidden corners of the city you've never heard of and experience pubs ranging from micropubs and gastropubs to community pubs and superpubs.

    This book takes you off the typical tourist paths and into the heart of London's authentic pub scene. Discover insights into the current state of pubs, the challenges they face, and why it's more important than ever to support this proud tradition.

    Featuring descriptions of 75 unique pubs and tips for your next visit to London or elsewhere in the UK, this book is a heartfelt tribute to the pub as an institution. Prepare to be inspired—and to contribute to the survival of pub culture.

    About the author:
    Torben Mathews is a Danish-British author and beer enthusiast with a deep passion for beer culture and pub tradition. Known for his extensive knowledge of the beer world, gained through years of travel and tasting, he has authored books such as English Beer & Food. This work combines his love for English ale with cultural anecdotes about pubs and their etiquette, as well as recipes featuring English beer.

    For over 30 years, he has also operated the acclaimed pub "You’ll Never Walk Alone" in Kolding, recognized for its exceptional selection of specialty beers. Mathews' approach to beer is both humorous and passionate, focusing on its role as a social drink. He is committed to preserving pub culture in both England and Denmark and to spreading awareness of authentic beer experiences.

    Author: Torben Mathews
    ISBN: 978-87-975656-0-5
    Edition/Year: 2024
    Publisher: Self-published
    Pages: 210
    Binding: Hardcover

    • 33,50
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    The Beer Lover's Guide to Scotland - Torben Mathews
    Item no.: 22227865387-500
    A deft examination of the distinctiveness of the Scots, from the monsters (Nessie and Haggis) to the dress and language. A solid introduction to the history and current state of beer, breweries and pubs. A guide to what to drink and the best pubs to drink it in, accompanied by beer recipes along the way. The book is written by Torben Stephen Mathews, a native Englishman with a love of languages, football and beer. He has a broad knowledge of the beer universe thanks to countless study trips over the past 20 years in preparation for themed lectures, which have also resulted in two books on beer and food and a TV series focusing on the new Danish microbreweries. Author's foreword "This book is intended as a solid introduction to Scottish brewing and an informal guide for beer lovers and epicureans, such as myself, to beery and culinary experiences with a focus on good pubs, good breweries and their products, liberally spiced with interesting stops along the way and anecdotes from personal experiences. Some will probably think that seriousness is in short supply, but a "Trip to..." was never intended - how to get there, where to change money, which side of the road to drive on, what "my kitchen sink is blocked" is called in Scottish and the opening hours of museums (useful because it rains a lot!), all this is left to the reader and other works. Others will certainly miss in-depth analysis of the many social problems in this small country. Again, I'm skating elegantly around this, because it's not the domain of this book. However, hopefully you will find inspiration for nationwide odysseys and beer crawls and reasons to smile every now and then while crawling, or to let out satisfied grunts while tasting, here. Haa a guid journey - god tur!"

    Author: Torben Mathews
    isbn: 13 978874060606027 isbn: 10 874060606023
    Edition/year 1 / 2015
    Publisher: Turbine
    Page count: 200
    Binding: Hardback
    • 26,75
  • Whisky books

    If you are interested in whisky then this section is just for you. Here you can find a universe of books on whiskey. Through these books you can both learn how to make your very own personal cocktail with whisky, and you can read about the entire history of whisky around the world.

    The books below are written by whisky lovers who have a good history and exciting topics for the books. Scroll down the page and find the book on whiskey that captures your interest. Click on the books for a more detailed description of each book and what you can expect to learn more about.

    Imagine a lovely evening with your whisky in one hand and a whisky book in the other. Enjoy your whisky with the story behind it.