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Wilson & Morgan Whisky


Wilson & Morgan Whisky

Om det italienske firma Wilson & Morgan:
The Italian Way to Scotland's Finest Whiskies

"Anybody who loves whiskey can't be all bad."
W.C. Fields (1880-1946)

Siden 1992 har den uafhængige whisky aftapper Wilson & Morgan tilbudt en udsøgt serie af sjældne skotske whiskies til whiskynydere fra hele verden. Wilson & Morgan vælger kun de bedste malts efter 10 til 30 års lagring. Nogle aftapninger får også en finish i portvins, rom eller Marsala fade.

Disse single malts er aftappet når smagen topper og sælges mange steder i verden - og nu altså også i Danmark. Disse aftapninger findes kun i udvalgte specialbutikker indenfor vin og spiritus samt Michelin-restauranter.

Robert Burns møder "Købmanden fra Venedig"

"And fill them high with this generous juice,
As generous as your mind,
And pledge me in the Generous toast,
The whole of human kind!"
Robert Burns, Scottish Poet (1759 - 96)

Historien bag Wilson & Morgan er forbundet tæt med historien bag Venedigfamilien Rossi. I 1920'erne begyndte Venedigs historiske rolle som et handelsmekka at falme. Men vin- og oliekøbmanden Giuseppe Rossi, der er bedstefar til Fabio Rossi, som er nutidens direktør for Morgan & Wilson, flyttede fra Venedig til "fastlandet" og slog sig ned i Treviso. Treviso er en smuk og driftig by, 1½ time fra "Laguna Venetia" og traditionelt et foretrukket mål for det bedre borgerskab fra Venedig om sommeren.

Efter 2. verdenskrig, overtog Giuseppes søn - Mario Rossi - forretningen og udviklede forretningen positivt i den hårde efterkrigs tid. I 1960'erne var væksten højere end nogensinde og Mario Rossi besluttede at tiden var inden til at begynde med at importere whisky fra "whiskiens hjemland' - Skotland.

Helt i tridt med tidens trend, var de første importerede whiskies blended whisky og det tog - selv i Italien med de trænede ganer - næsten 10 år før Rossi-husets kunder begyndte at efterspørger en mere kompleks smag. Derfor begyndte Mario Rossi i 1970 at opkøbe premium-bleded whisky direkte fra de skotske destillerier.

"Jeg husker stadig den stærkt lugt af tørv i vores hus mens jeg var et barn" siger Fabio Rossi, stifter og direktør for Wilson & Morgan, og en af Mario Rossi's to sønner. Begge sønner er oplært i købmandsskabets hemmeligheder i en tidlig alder. I 1980'erne begyndte Mario Rossi og de 2 sønner Fabio og Walter at indse, hvor vinden blæste hen - og de begyndte at præsentere "the King of Whiskies" til deres kunder - single malt - aftappet uafhængigt.

Alle fade med single malt indkøbt i Skotland, blev udvalgt personligt af Fabio Rossi. Fabio er uddannet oenologist - og studerede vinfaget i Conegliano, Italien. Fabio Rossi har en gylden regle for sin udvælgelse af fadene: "Stol på din egen smag og dit instinkt!" - og det er takket være denne regel at Wilson & Morgan whiskierne i dag fremstår med en solid kvalitet og et spændende sortiment af single malts.

Marsala finish
- en italiensk opfindelse - whisky med smagen af Florence!

Wilson & Morgan kombinerer Skotlands stolthed - malt whisky - med Italiens passion - når single malt gives en finish i udvalgte Marsala-fade.

Trevisio er en lille italiensk by med en velholdt centrum fra middelalderen bare 30 min. fra Venedig. Men som det ofte er med små steder - de har en stor historie.

Engang var Treviso det udvalgte ferie mål for de rige og smukke fra Venedi. Det var dengang hvor byen ved lagunaen stadig var centrum for købmands emperiet. I dag smykker smukke huse, torve og et ekstraordinært stort antal banker byen. Det er også i denne by at single malt med Masala finish "opfindes".

North meets South – A passionate affair
A Scotsman stood in front of a judge.
The judge said: “You've been brought here for drinking whisky.”
The Scotsman replied: “Okay, let's get started.”

“Let's get started” er en bemærkning tæt relateret til whisky. Det har lydt mange gange i små hytter og huler i Højlandet i Skotland under Henrik d. 8 - og har drevet skotterne igang med at destillere deres fine nationale udtryk - single malt. Og samme tanke strejfede Fabio Rossi under en forretningsrejse til Sicilien, hvor han smagte den ø's særlige vin - Marsala.

Først og fremmest er Marsala en by på Sicilien, grundlagt af fønikerne 500 år før Kristus. Marsala vinen opnåede berømmelse da den britiske vin-købmand John Woodhouse fandt den i sin søgen efter et bedre smagende og billigere produkt end Portvin og Sherry. Han fandt denne 16%, søde og dyb rød after-dinner vin kaldt Marsala som svar på sin søgen.

I dag har Marsala for længst indtaget en fornem placering hos vin connoisseurs fra hele verden - og især i det nordlige Italien foretrækkes Marsala som en after-dinner drik. Det var ikke et stort skridt at tage for Fabio Rossi, da han så mulighederne i at kombinere den varme efterglød fra vellagret Marsala vin og skotsk single malt whisky. Det lå lige for - og sådan bliver man en del af whisky historien.

“Let's get started” – og Fabio Rossi kontaktede producenter af Marsala vin - og købte her de bedste fade som kunne opdrives og bragte dem til Treviso. Herfra blev fadene udskibet til Skotland - og fordelt til flere skotske destillerier.

I et helt år hviler single malt whiskien i Marsala-wood - og giver malten tid til at "suge Marsala saften" ud af fadet. Resultatet af dette lange kys - bliver single malt med Marsala finish - som naturligvis er en sjældenhed.
  • Ardmore 2010/2021 Islay Cask Finish Wilson & Morgan 10 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 48%
    Item no.: 22227865432-10141-smal5197
    Distillery: Ardmore
    Year: Distilled: 30/06/2010 Bottled: 16/06/2021
    Age: 10 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Cask No. 803511 / American Oak + Islay Cask Finish
    Alc. strength: 48 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Wilson & Morgan Barrel Selection - Private Cask
    • 1pcs.
  • Ben Nevis 1996/2021 Wilson & Morgan 25 Years Highland Single Malt Whisky 52.1%.
    Item no.: 22227865369-317 - 0522
    Distillery: Ben NevisBottler: Wilson & Morgan Age: 25 years Distilled: 1996 Bottled: 2021 Type: Highland Single Malt Whisky Barrel number: 1819+1820 Barrel type Oloroso Sherry finish (30 months) Alc. strength: 52,1 % Other: 70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Benrinnes 2009/2023 Wilson & Morgan 14 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57%
    Item no.: 059763-615-687
    Benrinnes 2009/2023 Wilson & Morgan 14 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57%

    A very rich and ripe Speyside malt, made fruitier and spicier by a finish for 36 months in a first fill Pedro Ximenez barrel. At the nose it’s very organic, even slightly farmy, with huge notes of overripe fruits: luscious, intense, with an obviously winey touch. The interaction between the already very fruity and medium-bodied spirit with the sweet and dark Pedro Ximenez brought the whisky to an impressive level of maturity and complexity at the palate.

    Distillery: Benrinnes
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2009 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 14 years old
    Type: Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Hogshead & 1st Fill Pedro Ximenez Barrel / Cask No. #306993
    Alc. strength: 57 %
    Number of bottles: 267 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Benrinnes 2011/2022 Wilson & Morgan 11 years Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 22227865480-67093-0201
    Distillery: Benrinnes
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan Barrel Selection
    Vintage: Distilled: 2011 Bottled: 2022
    Age: 11 years
    Type: Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask Number/Type: Cask No. #301607/11/14/17-23 / Sherry Finish PX
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Bunnahabhain 2001/2016 Wilson & Morgan 14 years old Single Islay Malt Whisky 70 cl 59.6%
    Item no.: 2227865438-1002
    Bunnahabhain 2001/2016 Wilson & Morgan 14 years old Single Islay Malt Whisky 70 cl 59.6%

    Bunnahabhain 2001 whisky from Wilson & Morgan in their Barrel Selection series. Since 1992, independent whisky bottler Wilson & Morgan has been offering an exquisite range of rare Scotch whiskies to whisky connoisseurs around the world. Wilson & Morgan select only the best malts - here they offer a delicious gem - from Bunnahbhain in a 14 year edition, which has been aged in a used sherry butt #1430

    Distillery: Bunnahabhain
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2001 Bottled: 2016
    Age: 14 years
    Type: Single Islay Malt Whisky
    Cask number/type: Sherry Butt / Cask No. #1430
    Alc. strength: 59.6 %
    Number of bottles: 580 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Caol Ila 2007/2023 Wilson & Morgan 16 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.4%
    Item no.: 059763-615-689
    Caol Ila 2007/2023 Wilson & Morgan 16 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.4%

    A long and quiet maturation in refill oak, followed by a finish for 34 months in a first fill ex-bourbon hogshead, made this Islay malt very sophisticated and complex: one of those rare whiskies where the development of aromas takes its time to unfold. Due to the longer than usual maturation, peat smoke is slightly tamed: it’s there, but not screaming aggressively.

    Distillery: Caol Ila
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2007 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 16 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Hogshead & 1st Fill Bourbon / Cask No. #311603
    Alc. strength: 57.4 %
    Number of bottles: 240 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Caol Ila 2014/2022 Bourbon Finish Wilson & Morgan 8 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 46%
    Item no.: 222-10141-smal5372

    Caol Ila 2014/2022 Bourbon Finish from Wilson & Morgan is an 8-year-old Single Malt Scotch Whisky with an alcohol strength of 46%. Distilled in 2014 and bottled in 2022, this whisky has matured in bourbon casks, creating a harmonious balance of smoke, vanilla, and fresh citrus notes. The classic Caol Ila smokiness is complemented by a creamy sweetness and a hint of sea salt, resulting in a complex and well-rounded tasting experience. Perfect for those who love Islay whisky with an elegant bourbon influence.

    Distillery: Caol Ila
    Vintage: Distilled: 2014 Bottled: 2022
    Age: 8 years
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask No./Type: Cask No. 313972-83
    ABV: 46%
    Volume: 70 cl
    Other: Wilson & Morgan Barrel Selection

    • 1pcs.
  • Caol Ila 2014/2022 Bourbon Finish Wilson & Morgan 8 years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 57.1%.
    Item no.: 22227865432-10141-smal5371
    Caol Ila 2014/2022 Bourbon Finish Wilson & Morgan 8 year Single Malt Scotch Whisky 57.1%

    Distillery: Caol Ila
    Vintage: Distilled: 2014 Bottled: 2022
    Age: 8 years
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Cask No. 313250-56
    Alc. strength: 57,1 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Wilson & Morgan Barrel Selection

    Buy Caol Ila 2014/2022 Bourbon Finish Wilson & Morgan 8 years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 57,1%
    • 1pcs.
  • Caol Ila 2015/2023 Wilson & Morgan 8 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.1%
    Item no.: 059763-615-690
    Caol Ila 2015/2023 Wilson & Morgan 8 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.1%

    Every bottling has a different story, every time the whisky matures in a different way. This time, the influence of a 12 months finish in very active Virgin Oak casks resulted in something different: no buttery, creamy, smooth notes that mask the peat, but on the contrary, a very robust aromatic backbone that amplifies the Islay character.

    Distillery: Caol Ila
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2015 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 8 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Hogshead & 1st Fill Virgin Oak / Cask No. #314293-97/314299-301
    Alc. strength: 57.1 %
    Number of bottles: 2383 pcs.
    70 cl.
    Other: 2nd Batch
    • 1pcs.
  • Dailuaine 2007/2021 Wilson & Morgan 14 year Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 53.9%.
    Item no.: 2227865479-1106-197280322-184
    Distillery: Dailuaine
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2007 Bottled: 2021
    Age: 14 years
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Sherry PX / Cask No. #303877 & #303881
    Alc. strength: 53.9 %
    Number of bottles: 529 pcs.
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Glenlossie 2008/2023 Wilson & Morgan 15 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 52.1%
    Item no.: 059763-615-688
    Glenlossie 2008/2023 Wilson & Morgan 15 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 52.1%

    Rich, chewy, but also spicy and oaky, this is a very unique single malt from an elusive Speyside distillery, enriched by a finish for 16 months in a first fill Pedro Ximenez barrel. Already from the deep mahogany colour, it’s obvious that the oak had great influence on this botting.

    Distillery: Glenlossie
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2008 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 15 years old
    Type: Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Barrel & 1st Fill Sherry Pedro Ximenez / Cask No. #2392
    Alc. strength: 52.1 %
    Number of bottles: 207 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Glenlossie 2013/2023 Wilson & Morgan 10 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 059763-615-691
    Glenlossie 2013/2023 Wilson & Morgan 10 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%

    The whisky from this elusive Speyside distillery is always a rarity, as it has almost never been released in official bottlings. The influence of a 2-years finish in first fill Oloroso butts is evident in the winey, slightly sour note at the nose.

    Distillery: Glenlossie
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2013 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 10 years old
    Type: Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Hogshead & 1st Fill Sherry Butt Oloroso / Cask No. #131-32/135-36
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    Number of bottles: 1423 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Beathan 2013/2021 Sherry Butt Oloroso Wilson & Morgan 7 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 48%
    Item no.: 22227865432-10141-smal5198
    Distillery: Beathan = Glenturret
    Year: Distilled: 05/12/2013 Bottled: 16/06/2021
    Age: 7 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Cask No. 713 / American Oak + 1st fill Sherry Butt Oloroso
    Alc. strength: 48 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Wilson & Morgan Barrel Selection - Private Cask
    • 1pcs.
  • Haddock 2007/2020 Wilson & Morgan 13 years old Islay Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 2227865479-1106-197280322-183
    Distillery: Haddock
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2007 Bottled: 2020
    Age: 13 years
    Type: Islay Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Oloroso Sherry
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Linkwood 2008/2020 Wilson & Morgan 12 years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 58%
    Item no.: 2227865479-1106-197280322-185
    Distillery: Linkwood
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2008 Bottled: 2020
    Age: 12 years
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Sherry PX / Cask No. #308645 & #308646
    Alc. strength: 58 %
    Number of bottles: 548 pcs.
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Linkwood 2011/2023 Wilson & Morgan 12 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-197278370777
    Linkwood 2011/2023 Wilson & Morgan 12 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%

    Linkwood is a distillery located in the Speyside region of Scotland, known for producing single malt Scotch whisky. They are recognized for their fruity and floral characteristics, featuring a medium body and a well-balanced flavor profile.

    Wilson and Morgan is an independent bottler that selects and bottles whisky from various distilleries. They often release single casks or small batches that showcase the unique characteristics of each whisky they bottle.

    Distillery: Linkwood
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2011 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 12 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Patricius Cask / Cask No. #396-400
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Linkwood 2013/2021 Wilson & Morgan 8 years old Single Speyside Malt Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-197278370
    Linkwood 2013/2021 Wilson & Morgan 8 years old Single Speyside Malt Whisky 70 cl 46%

    Linkwood 2013/2021 Single Malt Single Cask. This speyside malt is a unique single cask release that has been aged for 8 years in Virgin Oak casks. This maturation has contributed to a compact and concentrated whisky. The taste offers a lot of malt, flowers, nuts, light butter, beeswax, fruit, banana, raisin. "Chewy and sweet, robust mouthfeel. Tannins, spices and pepper can be sensed towards the end

    Distillery: Linkwood
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2013 Bottled: 2021
    Age: 8 years
    Type: Single Speyside Malt Whisky
    Cask number/type: 303765-68-69/Virgin Oak
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    Number of bottles: 1026 pcs.
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Sherry Cask Malt 2013/2019 Wilson & Morgan 6 years old Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 43%
    Item no.: 22227865479-1106-1972655
    Sherry Cask Malt 2013/2019 Wilson & Morgan 6 years old Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 43%

    Sherry Cask Malt 2013 Whisky by Wilson & Morgan - The 2019 release of Sherry Cask Malt is a perfect textbook introduction to the wonderful and delicate aromas found in Highland Single Malts.

    Nose: The aroma offers delightful notes of butter cake and fruit, and with a subtle vinous influence, sherry casks add a hint of nuts.
    Tasting notes: A perfectly balanced taste of apricots, peaches, raisins and hints of honey, robust in flavour and body, yet still easy drinking.

    Distillery: Sherry Cask Malt
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: November 2013 Bottled: April 2019
    Age: 6 years
    Type: Single Highland Malt
    Cask number/type: Room sample cask no. 3544/3550
    Alc. strength: 43 %
    Natural Colour
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Speybridge 2011/2023 Wilson & Morgan 12 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.1%
    Item no.: 059763-615-692
    Speybridge 2011/2023 Wilson & Morgan 12 years old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.1%

    The Oloroso influence can’t be mistaken: this is a very old-fashioned Speyside malt with an intense winey attitude! The first whiff is immediately dominated by the sherry: very dry, astringent and tannic, but also with hints of aperitif bitters, orange peel and roasted chestnuts.

    Distillery: Speybridge
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2011 Bottled: 2023
    Age: 12 years old
    Type: Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Refill Butt & 1st Fill Sherry Butt Oloroso  / Cask No. #3589
    Alc. strength: 57.1 %
    Number of bottles: 776 pcs.
    70 cl.
    Other: 100 U.K. Proof
    • 1pcs.
  • Speybridge 2012/2022 Wilson & Morgan 10 years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 46%
    Item no.: 22227865480-67093-0365
    Distillery: Speybridge
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2012 Bottled: 2022
    Age: 10 years
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask Number/Type: Sherry Finish PX / Cask No #1623, #1624 & #1625
    Alc. strength: 46%
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Westport 2004/2019 Wilson & Morgan 15 years old Highland Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.8%
    Item no.: 2227865438-1002-43
    Distillery: Westport
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Vintage: Distilled: 2004 - Bottled: 2019
    Age: 15 years
    Type: Highland Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Sherry Wood / Butt #900050
    Alc. strength: 57.8 %
    Number of bottles: no. 350 of 539 pcs.
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.
  • Glen Moray 2007/2022 Wilson & Morgan 15 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 57.9%
    Item no.: 22227865480-67093-0143
    Distillery: Glen Moray
    Bottler: Wilson & Morgan
    Year: Distilled: 2007 Bottled: 2022
    Age: 15 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: Cask No. #5878 + #5879 + #5880 / Port Finish
    Alc. strength: 57.9 %
    Number of bottles: 586 pcs.
    Natural Colour
    70 cl. 
    • 1pcs.