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Noces Royales Liqueur


Noces Royales Liqueur

Noces Royales distillery, located in the heart of France, is renowned for its exquisite production of luxury liqueurs. The distillery combines traditional methods with the finest local ingredients to create exceptional spirits. With a rich heritage and a passion for perfection, Noces Royales offers guided tours that include tastings of their award-winning liqueurs. Experience French elegance and craftsmanship at Noces Royales, where every drop tells a story of expertise and tradition. Visit Noces Royales distillery and enjoy an authentic, luxurious tasting experience.
  • Noces Royales Cognac & Poire Williams French Liqueur 70 cl 30%
    Item no.: 059763-615-1103
    Noces Royales Cognac & Poire Williams French Liqueur 70 cl 30%

    This exquisite liqueur combines the rich flavors of cognac with the aromatic essence of Williams pear, creating a harmonious and luxurious drinking experience. Perfect for savoring on its own or as a unique addition to cocktails and desserts.

    Distillery: Noces Royales
    Name: Cognac & Poire Williams
    Country: France
    Type: French Liqueur
    Alc. strength: 30 %
    70 cl.
    • 1pcs.