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Whisky as investment

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    Investing in whiskyBuying bottles from closed distilleries is always a good investment. There are many to choose from, but Rosebank, Port Ellen and Brora are highly recommended. Buy the book "Malt Whisky Yearbook" by Ingvar Ronde and see the many closed distilleries. Of the independent bottlers, we would recommend bottles from Signatory and Adelphi. Contact us on +455210 6093 for investments of more than DKK 10,000 - If you buy the products at, the advice is of course free.
    Investing in Japanese whiskyOver the last few years, we've seen some crazy price increases in Japanese whisky. One of the highlights was a bottle from 1981 called Sakura, distilled at Karuizawa and aged in a sherry cask - just 45 bottles, which sold for €16720 or around $125,000 on one of the major auction sites. In general, we've seen huge price increases on almost all Japanese whisky - especially those with high aging. If you want to invest without having to spend a lot of money, we would recommend Japanese whisky from 10 to 18 years, where there is still an opportunity to make investments for reasonable money as the trend from Scotland with whisky without age, but simply with a name, is breaking through in Japan - e.g. Hibiki Harmony, which means that 10, 12, 15, 18 is slowly being phased out.Investing in rum- It is known that you can invest in whisky, but what about rum? In recent years, interest in rum has been steadily increasing, however, we haven't seen the same price increases as we have seen in whisky. That's not to say that investing in rum isn't worthwhile - just like in the whisky industry, it depends on patience plus supply and demand. If you had to give a few investment tips, they would be: - Rum from the distillery Caroni, which closed in 2003 - few thousand barrels left. - Limited editions in limited numbers e.g. Papa André from Brugal - only 500 copies - Old editions of Ron Zacapa in full bast - Rum from Long Pond Distillery - Jamaica - Rum from the grocery store Velier - E.g. bottlings from single stills at El Dorado-El Dorado 25 years, the earlier editions - B.R.N Rum (British Royal Navy) One Imperial Gallon approx. 4.54 liters - production stopped in the 1970s
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