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THE RUSTY JIGGER GIN & THYME Cocktail with Gunroom Gin

THE RUSTY JIGGER GIN & THYME Cocktail with Gunroom Gin

THE RUSTY JIGGER GIN & THYME Cocktail with Gunroom Gin

The Rusty Jigger is named after the measuring cups that professional bartenders use to measure the individual ingredients. And it's the ingredients that are essential to The Rusty Jigger. All syrups and purees are homemade and as far as possible organic.


- 5 cl Gunroom 12 Botanicals Gin
- 2.5 cl lemon juice (freshly squeezed, of course, with the lemon squeezer)
- 3.5 cl thyme syrup*
- Cucumber slices and thyme for garnish


Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain over ice in a lowball glass and garnish with cucumber and thyme.

*Thyme syrup can be made by blending 7 g thyme leaves with 1 dl water and 60 g sugar. Leave to infuse for 24 hours and strain the liquid.

About Gunroom Gin:

Gunroom 12 Botanicals Gin is, as the name suggests, made from 12 different botanicals. Aiming for a 19th century style of gin, this is a gin where the many flavors do not overpower the classic juniper flavor, but add a great deal of complexity to the overall flavor expression.

The term "Gunroom" was originally the room where lower-ranking officers used to gather aboard naval ships. This is where they slept, ate and had a much-needed drink. Gunroom original produces 'navy spirits', referring to the British Navy, where sailors in earlier times preferred rum, but during the 16th century began to prefer gin. Gunroom produces a range of spirits similar to what sailors have drunk over the years. Therefore, you can find both rum and several types of gin in their range. They aim for authenticity, both in terms of raw materials and production methods. For example, their Gunroom Navy Strenght Gin is aged in wooden casks, as gin used to be, as bottles were too expensive and fragile to transport the large quantities of gin from England to India.
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