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Macbeth First Murderer 18 years old The Isle of Mull Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 50.5%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,308,25  EUR
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      Rating for Macbeth First Murderer 18 years old The Isle of Mull Single Malt Scotch Whisky 70 cl 50.5%
      Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 1 votes

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    Pallid, with a reek of woodsmoke
    and tallow candles.
    Salt sweat on the brow.
    Lean shanked, yet muscular.

    Downtrodden, dismissed and angry;
    a denizen of the darkest taverns.
    For a few coins, as night falls,
    a throat will feel its bite, a child will die;
    money runs thicker than blood.

    Distillery: The Isle of Mull
    Bottler: Livingstone
    Name: First Murderer
    Series: The Murderers
    Age: 18 years old
    Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky
    Cask number/type: American Oak & Hogshead
    Alc. strength: 50.5 %
    Number of bottles: 2100 pcs.
    70 cl.
    Other: A Whisky Collection Illustrated by Quentin Blake - The Macbeth Collection
    Varenr: 059763-615-70