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Glen Elgin 2009 Little Brown Dog Sauternes Cask Finish Single Speyside Malt Whisky 70 cl 54.1%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,120,00  EUR
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      Rating for Glen Elgin 2009 Little Brown Dog Sauternes Cask Finish Single Speyside Malt Whisky 70 cl 54.1%
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    Glen Elgin 2009 Little Brown Dog Sauternes Cask Finish Single Speyside Malt Whisky 70 cl 54.1%

    The independent bottler Little Brown Dog acquires casks from distilleries across Scotland and bottles them under their own brand - all bottles are adorned with the little brown dog, which is the trademark of the company. Here, they have acquired a cask from the Glen Elgin distillery - only 267 bottles with a delicious finish in a used Sauternes cask.

    Distillery: Glen Elgin
    Bottler: Little Brown Dog
    Vintage: Distilled: 2009 Bottled: ???
    Age: NA
    Type: Single Speyside Malt Whisky
    Cask number/type: Bourbon cask + Sauternes Cask Finish
    Alc. strength: 54.1 %
    Number of bottles: 267 pcs.
    70 cl.
    Varenr: 22333-8569