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Tonow Vesterhavsmost Danish Porse Snaps 50 cl 40%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,40,00  EUR
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      Rating for Tonow Vesterhavsmost Danish Porse Snaps 50 cl 40%
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    Manufacturer: Vesterhavsmost
    Name: Tonow Porse Snaps
    Country: Denmark
    Type: Snaps
    Alc. strength: 40 %
    50 cl.
    Vesterhavsmost's idea is to improve quality by making juice exclusively from freshly picked apples when they taste best. Vesterhavsmost is produced only in pure varieties, where the taste and character of the individual apple variety comes to the fore. The assortment ranges from old classics to newer varieties with unique taste.
    The residual product from the must production is dried and used for bread, muesli etc. The apple trees are planted to make the best use of the light and pruned so that most apples get the sun's rays, 99% of the production is used for must. The climate, soil and light are perfect for must production - close to the North Sea.
    Varenr: 22227865480-67093-0041