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Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao Triple Sec 35 cl 40%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,24,00  EUR
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    Classic drinks require classic liqueurs. This is a great example of a classic liqueur. Orange Curaçao from Pierre Ferrand is made after opskrift from drinks historian David Wondrich, and is based on a Recipe from the 1800s. It is bottled as a French triple sec, which means it is distilled three separate times. The result is a rich, complex and well-balanced likør that is perfect for a variety of cocktails. Can also be enjoyed straight with ice.

    Tasting notes: Light orange blossom, candied orange peel and wood notes in the style of classic cognac. The palette shifts from candied orange to hazelnut, bitter almonds and marzipan.

    Cognac House: Pierre Ferrand
    Name: Dry Curacao Triple Sec Liqueur
    Country: France
    Type: Orange Liqueur / Triple Sec / Curaçao
    ABV: 40%
    35 cl
    Are you looking for cognac in the classifications Cognac VS, Cognac VSOP and Cognac XO? We have everything in cognac that can be enjoyed on the chesterfield sofa with the right cognac glasses from Riedel.
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