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Papa Hemingway Daiquiri opskrift with Cuba Rum

Papa Hemingway Daiquiri opskrift with Cuba Rum

The story from Cuba - Hemingway Daiquiri recipe on the Blog

Papa Hemingway daiquiri opskrift from cuba

Hemingway Daiquiri Cocktail - As the name reveals, one of the world's most famous writers and cocktail connoisseurs, Ernest Hemingway, has a drink named after him. It's probably common knowledge that he liked a drink or two, and all depictions of him in modern movies and TV typically show him as a drunkard. He may have been, but he was actually a little more picky about what he drank than many people realize. He lived a large part of his life on Cuba, and therefore had a close relationship with rum and rum cocktails. Some of the bars he frequented are very famous, and he probably deserves a lot of the credit for legendary drinks like the Daiquiri and Mojito being as well known as they are today. This cocktail - the Hemingway Daiquiri - was created directly for him, although it has changed slightly from the first time he was served a specialized Daiquiri.



If you need barudstyr - try this bundle with shaker, stirring spoon, strainer etc.

The drink was created at the legendary bar La Floridita at Cuba after Hemingway went in to use the restroom. He ordered a Daiquiri and stated that "it was all right, but he prefers it without sugar and with double rum"...

It may sound very strong and sour to most people, but Hemingway feared consuming sugar as he had a hereditary disease that made him prone to developing diabetes, which is what his father died from. Therefore, he usually drank pure spirits or cocktails with little to no sugar added.

He made one of these and the special Daiquiri was created. It was first known as the Papa Doble, as Hemingway was known as Papa in many places on Cuba - some also call it a Hemingway Special. After the bartender was promoted to Head Bartender, he added pink grape juice and some Maraschino likør and the modern version of the Hemingway Daiquiri was created. Most recipes today have a bit of sugar syrup added for balance, but it's to taste - you can do it. Our opskrift has a little bit for balance. Want to try other versions of Daiquiri? Try these -

Classic Daiquiri


Frozen Pineapple Daiquiri


Place all ingredients in the blender and mix
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