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Baron Gaston Legrand 1992 Vintage Appellation Bas Armagnac Controlee 40%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,113,75  EUR
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      Rating for Baron Gaston Legrand 1992 Vintage Appellation Bas Armagnac Controlee 40%
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    Baron Gaston Legrand 1992 Vintage Appellation Bass Armagnac Controlee

    Unique vintage armagnac from one of the best armagnacs - Baron Gaston Legrand delivers top quality from many vintages. Call +45 5210 6093 if you are looking for a specific vintage - We have access to bottles as far back as 1992 and various Armagnacuses. Each bottle is thus equipped with a label which guarantees the vintage and information on the bottling date. Extra stopper + nice canvas bag in with the wooden box. Produced from the Ugni Blanc, Baco Blanc and Colombard grapes grown in the Bas Armagnac area, from which the finest Armagnacs come.

    Type: Bas Armagnac from Barob Gaston Legrand
    Alc. strength: 40 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Model photo - Reservations are made for sold-out vintages - expect delivery within 1 week.
    Baron Gaston Legrand Vintage
    Appellation Bas Armagnac Controlee
    70cl / 40%
    Bass Armagnac France

    The world is divided between cognac drinkers and Armagnac drinkers. Some are for the Cognac spirit's aura of old world and colonial times and long, sunny afternoons on the country estate. Others are for Armagnac's unique quality as a catalog of a France that has long since disappeared: In the deep cellars of Armagnac, the history of France is hidden and it is possible to find vintages from the early beginnings of the Paris Commune or from before the First World War shook the nation (and Europe as well) . The Armagnac area is only one-fifth the size of Cognac, but wine has been distilled into spirits in this corner of la France profonde since the 16th century. The first times were most likely in perfume vessels, which the Moors had brought with them from the East.
    Varenr: 22227865493-1992