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Towiemore The Lost Distillery Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 43%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,73,50  EUR
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      Rating for Towiemore The Lost Distillery Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 43%
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    Towiemore The Lost Distillery Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 43%Towiemore Whisky is the creation of The Lost Distillery, an independent Scotch whisky company. Their mission is to create modern interpretations of legendary Scotch whiskies from distilleries that no longer exist. With the help of Glasgow University's archives, they consider the factors that determined the taste of the old whiskies. Factors such as water sources, barley varieties, peat, boiler types and more. Based on these considerations, they blend new whiskies that taste like the old whiskies probably did. Enjoy this Towiemore Whisky in a Glencairn glass. Distillery: TowiemoreBottler: The Lost Distillery Company Type: Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Alc. strength: 43 % Other: 70 cl.
    Towiemore Distillery began life during one of the whisky industry’s brightest periods and produced through its worst. Built in 1897 in the parish of Botriphnie just outside of Dufftown, Towiemore distilled for just thirty years. In this time it garnered a fine reputation as an excellent pure malt whisky. Owned and supported by renowned whisky entrepreneur Peter Dawson, Towiemore was a victim of bad luck and ill circumstance
    The Lost Distillery Company er et uafhængigt skotsk whiskyselskab. Deres mission er at skabe moderne fortolkninger af legendariske skotske whiskyer, fra destillerier som ikke længere eksisterer. Med hjælp fra Glasgow Universitets arkiver, gør de sig overvejelser om de faktorer der har været med til at bestemme smagen af de gamle whiskyer. Det er faktorer som; datidens vandkilder, bygsorter, tørv, kedeltyper mm. Ud fra disse overvejelser blander de nye whiskyer, der smager som de gamle whiskyer sandsynligvis har gjort. Whiskyerne er nummererede og er hverken blevet kølefiltreret eller tilsat farve!
    Varenr: 22227865449-502