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Knaplund Atlantic Aged Batch 2 Rye Whiskey 50 cl 50%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,67,00  EUR
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      Rating for Knaplund Atlantic Aged Batch 2 Rye Whiskey 50 cl 50%
      Rating: 3.75 out of 5 based on 2 votes

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    Knaplund Atlantic Aged Batch 2 Rye Whiskey 50 cl 50%

    Knaplund Atlantic Aged Rye Whiskey - here in a Batch 2 edition, which has received 92 points from Jim Murray in Whiskybible 2021.
    Matured in new American oak and shipped across the Atlantic in barrels. The bottle on arrival in Denmark.
    Award-winning Rye Whiskey from Knaplund.

    Distillery: Knaplund
    Name: Atlantic Aged Batch 2
    Age: Min. 3 years
    Type: Rye Whiskey
    Alc. strength: 50 %
    50 cl.
    Knaplund Destilleri Atlantic Aged
    Rye Whiskey
    50 cl / 50%

    "Ridiculously gentle and wonderful interplay between Rye, the most delicate of spices and that ultra complex vanilla" . Dette er ordene i et af verdens mest anerkendte whiskeyopslagsværker Jim Murray's "Whisky Bible" 2021. Her scorer deres Rye flotte 92 og tilhører klassen som betegnes "brilliant".
    Varenr: 222278653855-8859