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Glenborrodale 8 years Batch Release no 2 Adelphi Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 46%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,93,75  EUR
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      Rating for Glenborrodale 8 years Batch Release no 2 Adelphi Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 46%
      Rating: 4.67 out of 5 based on 3 votes

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    Distillery: Glenborrodale
    Age: 8 years
    Type: Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
    Alc. strength: 46 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Batch Release no 2
    Adelphi never compromise Only the very best casks are good enough to make it through Adelphi's eye of the needle. When Adelphi tests around 25 casks, only one is approved to be bottled under the Adelphi name. Alex Bruce, Adelphi's manager, and renowned whisky writer Charles Maclean often sit together and test samples from offered casks from different distilleries. But they have to be truly exceptional casks to be approved by Alex and Charles. Less than 4% of the casks pass the test.

    Adelphi distillery was founded in 1826 and the distillery was located on the River Clydes on the outskirts of Glasgow. The distillery closed in the early 1900s, but re-emerged as an independent bottler in 1993, when a grandson of one of the former owners started Adelphi as an independent bottler. From the beginning, there has never been any doubt about Adelphi's philosophy: "We only want to bottle the best"! There are very limited quantities released on the market and they are regularly sold out. All, of course, bottled at cask strength, without color and filtration - but that goes without saying.

    Adelphi, known for their fantastic bottlings and their high quality. Most bottlings are in Cask Strenght. It is very limited what manager Alex Bruce and whisky expert and writer Charles Maclein approve as good enough for Adelphi to put their name to bottling the cask. The bottlings are from single casks and therefore we often only get a few bottles from the bottlings. It is with great pleasure that we can present these fantastic bottlings.

    Adelphi also has their own distillery: Ardnamurchan, which is the westernmost distillery on the Scottish mainland. This is a distillery where everything is based on the philosophy of producing the ultimate high quality malt - we look forward to seeing how it develops.
    Varenr: 22227865409-500