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Aqua Vitae - What does it mean?

Aqua Vitae - What does it mean?

(Ulrik is explaining the term 'Aqua Vitae' in this video. It is in danish)

Aqua Vitae is a term often heard in Scotland. It means: "Water of Life", and is a Gaelic term that has been corrupted over the years. So Aqua Vitae is the Water of Life, also known as Akvavit as we say in Denmark. An expression for golden drops! It was used to denote distilled alcoholic drinks that were believed to possess medicinal or life-giving properties.

In modern times, the term "Aqua Vitae" is often associated with early forms of distilled beverages that later evolved into what we now know as whisky and other spirits. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, "Aqua Vitae" was often produced by monks and medical practitioners as a form of medicine and tonic.

It's important to note that the meaning of "Aqua Vitae" can vary depending on the context and the producer. Nowadays, it's often a term used to connect to the history and traditions of distillation, but it can also be employed as a creative way to name a spirit release.