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Yellowstone American 108 Proof Single Malt Whiskey 70 cl 54%

  • Price for køb af 1 ,73,50  EUR
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      Rating for Yellowstone American 108 Proof Single Malt Whiskey 70 cl 54%
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    Yellowstone American 108 Proof Single Malt Whiskey 70 cl 54%

    Like any member of the family, Yellowstone American Single Malt Whiskey stems from previously established roots. Nearly everything they have perfected across seven generations of distilling presents itself in this bottle. Much like the park for which it’s named, this whiskey is a uniquely American icon. One worthy of revisiting.

    Distillery: Limestone Branch
    Name: Yellowstone American
    Country: USA
    Type: Single Malt Whiskey
    Alc. strength: 54 %
    70 cl.
    Other: 108 Proof
    Aroma: Cereal Malt and honey with a hint of peach blossom
    Body: Sweet medium body with notes of honey, pear, stone fruit, and dates
    Finish: Notes of oak with hints of cinnamon and English walnuts
    Varenr: 059763-615-715