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ROM PUNCH OPSKRIFT with Banks Golden Rum

ROM PUNCH OPSKRIFT with Banks Golden Rum

Banks Rum Punch Bowle cocktail

The perfect Cocktail - Banks Rum Punch Bowle - approx. 14 servings



The day before:

150 grams of white sugar
6 lemons - use the rind and juice

Put the ingredients in an airtight jar and leave overnight. Then add the lemon juice (approx. 180 ml) and shake the glass to mix the contents into lemonade.

Make a large ice block
Take a medium-sized soft square plastic box and fill it with water, then put it in the freezer (check that the contents will fit in your punch bowl). When making the Rum Punch put the large ice cube in the bowl, the large ice cube prevents the contents from being watered down.

On the day:

Rum Punch
Put the ice block in the bowl
Add Oleo-Saccharum (Lemonade) through a sieve.
Add Banks Premium Golden Rum
Add 1 liter of cold water
Add grated nutmeg

Extra tip:
Add different fruits, e.g. orange slices, strawberries, pineapple. Use 500 ml of water and add 500 ml of orange juice, alternatively champagne

Banks Rum Punch is then ready. Serve in a Riedel Glass - preferably chilled in advance.

Garnish - Lime wedges and strawberry slices, pineapple

Find other recipes with Rum here

Remember the right equipment makes the difference - see our Cocktail Kit here