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Captain Morgan Original Spiced Spirit Drink Rum 70 cl 35%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,20,00  EUR
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      Rating for Captain Morgan Original Spiced Spirit Drink Rum 70 cl 35%
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    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Spirit Drink Rum 70 cl 35%

    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Spirit Drink is a popular alcoholic drink belonging to the Captain Morgan brand. This drink is a spiced rum-based spirit known for its unique taste and aroma.

    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Spirit Drink is made using a blend of Caribbean rum and a variety of spices and flavors. The exact opskrift is a well-kept secret, but it typically contains notes of vanilla, cinnamon, caramel and citrus fruits. This gives the drink a warm and spicy character with some sweetness.

    Distillery: Captain Morgan
    Age: NA
    Type: Spiced Rum Spirit Drink
    Alc. strength: 35 %
    70 cl.
    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold® has a smooth and medium-bodied flavor and is a spirit based on a secret blend of various types of Caribbean rum, mild spices, and other natural flavors. Its rich and amber color comes from the charred oak barrels of white oak in which it is aged.

    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold® is perfect for mixing with cola - the secret blend of mixed spices along with cola creates a legendary blend!

    Alcohol: 35%

    Cola is perfect in combination with Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold®. Why? Because the mixture highlights the touch of vanilla that makes for a LEGENDARY BLEND!

    4 cl Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold®
    1 lime wedge


    Pour Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold® and cola into a highball glass filled with ice cubes.
    Garnish with lime.

    FACT: Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold® corresponds to just under 1 unit of alcohol per 4 cl of alcohol.
    Varenr: 22227865420-8