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The difference in prices of different whisky batches no. - Whisky questions for the blog

The difference in prices of different whisky batches no. - Whisky questions for the blog

Glenfiddich 30 years - Whisky questions for the blog



Hi. I have a question regarding Glenfiddich 30 years. You have a Glenfiddich cask 0041 on the website. I have a cask 0028. It's a bit hard to find the price of it, found it on Scotchwhiskyauction 2018 price 600£+10%. Do you have an offer on the current price? Have looked at Whiskybase. Also want to know why the price is so different on the different batches. Hope that makes sense.


Thank you for your email - there will always be a difference in a price abroad due to tax, VAT, etc. and on auction sites you must also remember to add, often up to 20% in fees, fees plus any shipping to DK as well - so it can be difficult to figure out. As well as Glenfiddich it can also be the ratings of the whisky itself that makes it rise in price, high ratings - high prices .

Hope the answer was helpful.

With kind whisky regards

Disclaimer: Questions may have been edited by admin. We do not assess the value of a bottle of whisky for free, but refer to our hourly rate for assessment

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