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Pierre Ferrand 1840 Formula 1er Cru de French Cognac 70 cl 45%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,60,25  EUR
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      Rating for Pierre Ferrand 1840 Formula 1er Cru de French Cognac 70 cl 45%
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    Pierre Ferrand 1840 Formula 1er Cru de Cognac - Ideal for classic cocktails such as sidecars, juleps and sazeracs.

    Pierre Ferrand's 1840 Original Formula is an attempt to reinvent a style of cognac that was very popular in the 18th and 20th centuries. The cognac was created in collaboration with the famous cocktail historian, David Wondrich, and this very specific blend was created from an unusual and rare well-preserved bottle from 1840 called Pinet-Castillon Cognac.

    Colour: Amber.
    Aroma: Lovely scent of orange peel and white flowers combined with light spicy notes of allspice and cinnamon.
    Tasting notes: The taste is warm and full-bodied with notes of acacia honey, pears and mint.

    Cognac name: Pierre Ferrand 1840 Formula 1er Cru de Cognac
    Age: NA
    Grape: Grande Champagne and Ugni Blanc
    Type: Cognac
    Alc. strength: 45 %
    70 cl.
    Other: Perfect for cocktails

    Looking for cognac in the classifications Cognac VS, Cognac VSOP and Cognac XO? We have everything in cognac that can be enjoyed on the chesterfield sofa with the right cognac glasses from Riedel.
    Varenr: 22227865479-1106-1972691