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La Fée Absinthe

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    La Fee NV Absinthe French Absint 70 cl 40%
    Item no.: 22227865423147344-4
    Toned down version of The Green Fairy with 40% Alc. How to drink Absint? Start by placing a sugar cube on the absint spoon (over a Riedel glass ), then pour 4-6 parts ice water and 1 part absint over the sugar cube. Greet the Green Fairy

    Brand: La Fée
    Name: Absinthe NV
    Country: France
    Type: French Absint
    Alc. strength: 40%
    70 cl.
    • 30,75
  • Save 10%
    La Fee Parisienne Absinthe France Absint 68%
    Item no.: 22227865423147344
    Distillery: La Fée Absinthe Parisienne Type: French AbsintAlc. strength: 68 % 70 cl. Other: Full strength at The Green Fairy How to drink Absint? Start by placing a sugar cube on the absint spoon (over a Riedel glass ), then pour 4-6 parts ice water and 1 part absint over the sugar cube. Say hello to the Green Fairy
    • 67,00
  • La Fée Absinthe

    A highly alcoholic, distilled spirit containing the herb wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). La Fée Absinthe was created by Green Utopia, which is owned and run by George Rowley.

    La Fée distil a range of six different absinthes: Parisienne, a traditional French style Verte (colored/green) absinthe; Blanche, a traditional Blanche (white/clear) style; Bohemian, a modern, Czech style absinth; La Fée X•S Suisse and La Fée X•S Française, which are two “extra supérieure,” wine-based absinthes; and La Fée NV, a lower strength absinthe for "modern drinking."