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Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Liqueur 100 cl 35%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,40,00  EUR
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    Jack Daniel's Honey Tennessee Honey Liqueur 35%

    Jack Daniels own unique honey likør that is made from real honey.Jack Daniels Honey presents a truly unique flavor with hints of honey and a natural smooth finish. This unique flavor experience is a result of blending whiskey with honey

    Distillery: Jack Daniels
    Name: Tennessee Honey Liqueur
    Age: NA
    Type: Tennessee Liqueur
    Alc. strength: 35 %
    100 cl.
    Other: Honey Liqueur
    Gotta say, Jack Daniel's knows how to launch a product. The sample bottle of its new honey-and-whiskey liqueur came in a refrigerated box, for no particular reason - it certainly doesn't need to be kept chilled at all times - except that it is intended to be served cold. Well, it's been in my fridge ever since. I figure if they're going to go to that kind of trouble, I better do as I'm told. Honey+whiskey liqueurs have been coming out in absurd quantities over the last few years, so it comes as no surprise that JD would get in the game. Its version is as credible as anyone else's: Honey kills the whiskey, but the whiskey leaves its mark. JD's 70 proof version is pretty light on the honey - this is more of a smooth bourbon than a syrupy liqueur - but the adulteration makes it clear what the aspiration is here: Rocks, after dinner, maybe an ingredient in a cocktail.The palate offers more than just honey: There is wood, vanilla, lavender, and notable lemon character as the finish fades away. Charcoal touches come on as the finish disappears completely. As honey liqueurs go, this has a lot going on, and that's, as they say, a good thing. Who would've thought that in the realm of honey liqueur, it would be Jack that came up with the best of the lot.
    Tennessee Honey Eggnog* 1.5oz Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey 1.5oz milk 10z heavy whipping cream 1/2oz sugar syrup One raw egg Glass: Rocks Garnish: Grated nutmeg Whisk the egg yolk together with the sugar syrup until it's the color of butter. Then gradually add the Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey, milk and cream. Separately, whisk the egg white until firm. Combine both the mixtures by folding in and chill in the fridge. Serve and enjoy. *Contains raw egg. Not suitable for chickens or anyone who is allergic to egg. Hot Honey Toddy 1.5oz Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey 1 orange slice 1 lemon slice Dash of sugar syrup Hot water Glass: Rocks Garnish: Cinnamon stick Place the fruit in the glass, then add the Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey and syrup. Carefully pour in enough hot water to nearly fill the glass and stir. Add a cinnamon stick to garnish. Serve and enjoy.
    Varenr: 222278-445872