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0,00 EUR

Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Vintage Gift Box from the 1980s with 2 Glasses with Logo, without Bottle

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,40,00  EUR
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    This classic Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 gift box dates back to the 1980s and is a true collector's item for whiskey enthusiasts and Jack Daniel's fans. Although the bottle contents are missing, the box retains its historical value and charm, especially with its authentic metal case adorned with the familiar phrase "All goods worth price Charged." The box has been part of Jack Daniel's vintage collection, making it a rare item.

    Inside the box, you'll find two small glasses featuring the iconic Jack Daniel's logo, adding an extra dimension to this stylish gift set. It is the perfect gift for a collector or as a decorative piece for any home that appreciates the quality and tradition of Jack Daniel's. An authentic and nostalgic item that still holds its value.

    Varenr: 22227865486-195556