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Giftbox The grocery basket with port wine as well as wine and craft beer

  • Price for køb af 1 ,132,50  EUR
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      Rating for Giftbox The grocery basket with port wine as well as wine and craft beer
      Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 1 votes

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    Gift Basket The Grocer's Cart with Wine and Craft Beer

    A true indulgence box for the entire holiday season. The gift box offers delightful red wine from California, Italian craft beers, tasty port wine, and a variety of treats.

    The gift basket contains the following:
    3 bottles of Silver Lining, Cabernet Sauvignon, California
    2 bottles of Birra Flea - Italian Craft Beers, 2x33 cl
    1 bottle of Quintela Porto, Tawny, Portugal, 37.5 cl
    10 pieces of Luxury Chocolate
    100 g Chocolate-coated licorice balls
    100 g Licorice candy
    100 g English wine gums
    100 g Marzipan loaf
    38 g Snack Attack - Mixed nuts
    50 g Snack Attack - BBQ Corn
    35 g Chocolate bar
    80 g Blåvand Candies - Assorted Mix, 100 g
    Packaged in a brown cardboard box with wood wool

    NB: Call +45 5210 6093 or send an email if you want to buy more than 10 pieces - we will find a sharper price for you.
    Varenr: 222222-33373