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Book dit eget whiskyforedrag til firmaet / Personaleforeningen - Læs mere:

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,1.474,50  EUR
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    Please notice: This item can only be acquired by bank transfer due to new rules from our creditcard supplier. Please contact us by phone: +4523952313 or +4520813743 or by email: info@whisky.dkPlease notice: This item can only be acquired by bank transfer due to new rules from our creditcard supplier. Please contact us by phone: +4523952313 or +4520813743 or by email:
    Are you one of those people who enjoy sitting back with a good whisky late at night - and would you like to know more? Learn more about the strong, golden drops with this whisky course, where you'll hear the history, fun anecdotes and get to taste some of the many different varieties of whisky. Whisky is one of the most flavorful drinks within spirits. The raw and soft pleasure drink can warm and spice up the palate with hints and flavours of everything from smoke, seawater and seaweed to nuts, citrus and various herbs. In this educational and enjoyable course, you will be taken on a journey into the world of whisky with an engaging and very experienced whisky taster. You'll hear the exciting history, anecdotes and learn about the different brands, regions and what the production and distillation methods mean for each whisky. Along the way, you'll smell and taste different types of whisky so you can judge for yourself and perhaps find a new favourite. And throughout the course, you will of course have the opportunity to informally ask questions and get good advice from the whisky expert. Min. 18 years for participation and subject to changes in whisky brands. Cancellation possibleSee more lectures at
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