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Balthazar 5 Years Old Barbados Rum 40%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,46,75  EUR
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    Balthazar 5 Year Old Barbados Rum 40%

    Balthazar is an exquisite rum where craftsmanship from both Barbados and the Dominican Republic comes together in a perfectly balanced taste experience.

    This unique rum has been aged for at least 5 years, which is clearly reflected in its flavor. The matured oak imparts depth, while natural notes of vanilla create a harmonious balance between sweetness and spice. The finish is smooth and rounded, with subtle nuances that evoke memories of the warm Caribbean breeze.

    The color is entirely natural, achieved through the extended aging process, giving the rum its rich and golden hue.

    Balthazar is best enjoyed neat to fully appreciate its complexity, but it also adds a new dimension to any rum cocktail.

    rum house: Pope Spirits
    name: Balthazar
    country: Barbados
    age: 5 years
    abv: 40%

    Varenr: 22227865377-282