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Highland Park Calle Cask No 1 Single Orkney Malt Whisky 59,8%

  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,294,75  EUR
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      Rating for Highland Park Calle Cask No 1 Single Orkney Malt Whisky 59,8%
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    Distillery: Highland Park Calle Cask No 1 Age: Type: Single Orkney Malt Whisky Alc. strength: 59,8 % 70 cl. Other: Single Cask Bottling for Calle
    Highland Park Calle Cask No 1 70cl / 59.8% Island Single Malt Scotch Whisky Distillery BottlingHighland Park is produced at the world's northernmost distillery on the legendary Orkney Islands.Highland Park was built in 1798 on the very islands that were said to have belonged to a famous whisky smuggler. The smuggler Magnus Eunson enjoyed a strong position within the church and could therefore attend to his side business undisturbed. Who would want to search for the forbidden commodity under the pulpit? The unique character of Highland Park is due to the peat used as fuel when drying the grain. This peat has absorbed salty waves for centuries, giving a heathery note to the whisky. The whisky is aged in oak casks for at least 12 years. Little by little, the whisky matures and the fiery flavor mellows and the whisky achieves an exceptionally smooth character. A careful and time-consuming process that guarantees that this whisky reaches its perfection. Michael Jackson, author of many famous books on whisky describes Highland Park as the "the greatest all-rounder in the world of malt whisky"
    Varenr: 22227865388-399